How My Crappy First Draft Led to an Interview with President Obama (Video)

A recap of the first-ever, virtual Google+ Hangout from the White House on January 30, 2012.

Christine Wolf
22 min readOct 4, 2022
Author screenshot

Here’s a recap of the first-ever, virtual Google+ Hangout from the White House on January 30, 2012. I was lucky enough to have been selected to participate, and the way it all happened still amazes me…

Scroll waaaaay down to see the entire Hangout — as well as specific video clips and a promotional ad

We all have to start somewhere, and that “somewhere” is often the bottom. I know, because that’s exactly where I began.

The bottom SUCKS because it’s easy to look around and think, “So many others have more experience…more followers…more confidence…more bylines…more awards…more money…more connections…more insight.”

They might, and if they do, good for them. They started at the bottom, too, and they didn’t give up.



Christine Wolf

Memoir Coach. Author. Journalist. Marathoner. Lover of emotions, words & spicy nachos. Grateful you’re here. Twitter/Insta @tinywolf1.