I’m a Freelance Writer With Dyscalculia

This is my story.

Christine Wolf
12 min readMar 17, 2022
Photo by Editors Keys on Unsplash

Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat.

Unfortunately, I’m not here to offer you advice on how to manage your finances as a freelancer or how to navigate tax time or how to keep your sanity as you juggle those circumstances. I wish I could, but here’s my truth:

Though I try to be super organized and I’m pretty fastidious with tasks, I have dyscalculia (a.k.a. dyslexia with numbers) — so every tax season sends me into massive anxiety, even with the support of an incredible accountant.

What’s it like to manage dyscalculia? Imagine…

…not being able to add simple numbers in your head

…not understanding basic mathematical functions

…staring at simple pie charts and graphs like they’re ancient hieroglyphics

…struggling to remember important phone numbers and dates and addresses

…feeling overwhelmed every time you look at a bank statement, a receipt, or an invoice

…constantly checking to make sure you’ve added something correctly (because you typically don’t)

…questioning your ability to manage day-to-day bills and other numerical processes



Christine Wolf
Christine Wolf

Written by Christine Wolf

Memoir Coach. Author. Journalist. Marathoner. Lover of emotions, words & spicy nachos. Grateful you’re here. Twitter/Insta @tinywolf1. www.christinewolf.com

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